Marathon de Dublin 2010: vivement 2011 !

Le marathon de Dublin 2010 a été un véritable succès avec 13.000 participants, un soleil radieux et une foule enthousiastisque. L'hymme irlandais juste avant le départ de la course chanté en live par un des membres de la police locale et reprise en coeur par les 13.000 courreurs a rechauffé les coeurs dans un froid d'automne saisissant. Autres anecdotes: un coureur qui a fait la course en marche arrière et un autre en jonglant avec 3 balles ! Incroyable !!!
Le record de l'épreuve a même été battu par un kenyan en 2h08 et quelques secondes. 
Quant à moi j'ai battu mon propre record en 3h41 !

Vivement l'édition 2011 !

Marathon de Dublin 2010

1 commentaire:

Louise a dit…

I hope you don't mind writing in your comment box. I couldn't find any email details.

My name is Louise Fitzpatrick. I work for a marketing and strategy company called jump! ( We are currently carrying out a strategy review for Tourism Ireland on the French market. This is a six month project which will involve trade consultation, consumer research, strategy and implementation. To commence this project, we are hoping to carry out some informal chats with French people living in Ireland, both north and south, to get an understanding of French people’s perception of living in Ireland.

As a well respected blogger, we thought you would have a unique insight on French perceptions of Ireland. We would love if you were available to have an informal chat with me or one of my colleagues about living in Ireland. We’d talk to them more or less about the following topics…
•Feedback from friends and relatives who visit Ireland on holidays, both positive and negative.
•Most / least appealing aspects of Ireland
•Hidden strengths of Ireland that might not be obvious
•Opinion of Irish people
•Opinion of the place – landscape, cities, attractions, etc.
•“If you were to sell the island of Ireland to French people, what would you talk about?”
We also just want o get under the skin of French people, and figure out what makes them tick and what excites them.

We’ll be offering an incentive of either a €20 itunes or Amazon voucher. The chat shouldn’t take up more than half an hour of your time, and we could chat over the phone or via skype.

If you are willing to take part, we hope to do these chats over the next week to ten days. Do you think this is something you’d be interested in? If so, please let me know by email (, and let me know a time that would be convenient for you to chat, and your contact details.

Thanks very much,